palace of the Cinnabar Phoenix is an outstanding creation of the renowned
composer, R.
Murray Schafer at the turn of the new millennium. It is a magical
spectacle involving musicians, singers, actors, T'ai Chi performers
and puppets of human size. The performance takes place outdoors before
and on a large pond. The time is a summer evening at sunset and after
nightfall. The duration of the performance is about two hours. Though
the story is original, the historical period is that of the great
T'ang dynasty of China (A.D. 618-907). In T'ang times, the Cinnabar
Phoenix was the south-facing gate of the Great Luminous Palace at
Ch'ang-an; but in the present treatment the Cinnabar Phoenix is a
mythical bird sent by the gods to live in a palace on earth as a symbol
of harmony and peace. The Warring States, however, attempted to capture
the palace, but it suddenly vanished, together with the phoenix, to
be replaced by a Lake of Dragons. Each year the Emperor Wei Lu comes
to the site to mourn the disappearance of the palace and the sacred
bird. The climax of the work will be the reappearance of the palace
and the Cinnabar Phoenix floating on the water of the pond as a symbol
of a millennium of harmony between East and West.
R. Murray Schafer's musical production "The Palace of the Cinnabar
Phoenix" was premiered with great success in four shows from September
13 to 16, 2001 at Wolverton Hills on the Oak Ridges Moraine (near
Pontypool, Ontario). It is a musical drama involving six singers,
a choir, and a orchestra of both Chinese and western musicians with
the excellent performance of the pepertiers manipulating 14 peperts
of the size of real human (see creative
teams). These intriger great interests and strong response from
the audiences and the media alike. This concert
was recorded by CBC Radio.
The second presentation was in the Haliburton Forest and Wildlife
Reserve from August 31 to September 9, 2006. (see Press
, photos,
and press
to the rain day last Saturday, there will be additional show
Sunday, September 10, 2006 |
information can be found at