Risheng Wang, Ph. D.
Climatology / Meteorology

List of Publications


  1. Wang, Risheng, 2001: Prediction of seasonal climate in a low-dimensional phase space derived from SST forcing. J. Climate: Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 77-97.

  2. Wang, Risheng and Bin Wang, 2000: Phase Space Representation and Characteristics of El Nino-La Nina. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences: vol. 57, No. 19, pp. 3315-3333. .

  3. Vautard, Robert, Guy Plaut, Risheng Wang, Gilbert Brunet, 1999: Seasonal Prediction of North American Surface Air Temperatures Using Space Time Principal Components. Journal of Climate: Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 380-94.

  4. Fraedrich, Klaus, John McBride, Bill Frank and Risheng Wang, 1997: Extended EOF analysis of tropical disturbances: TOGA COARE. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, No. 19, 2363-2372.

  5. Wang, Risheng, Fraedrich, K. and Steven Pawson, 1995: Phase-space characteristics of the tropical Stratospheric Quasibiennial Oscillation. J. Atmos. Sci., 52, No. 24, 4482-4500.

  6. Wang, Risheng, 1994: An phase-space approach to atmospheric dynamics based on observational data --- theory and applications. Ph. D. Thesis, Fachbereich Geophysik, Freie Universitaet Berlin. Published in Meteorologische Abhandlungen, neue Folge, serie A Monographien, Band 8 / Heft 2. Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, Berlin.

  7. Fraedrich, K. and Steven Pawson and Wang, Risheng, 1993: An EOF analysis of the vertical-time-delay structure of the Quasibiennial oscillation (QBO). J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 3357- 3365.

  8. Fraedrich, K. and Risheng Wang, 1993: Estimating the correlation dimension of an attractor from noisy and small data set using a modified Grassberger-Procaccia Algorithm. Physica, 65D, 373-398.

  9. Fraedrich, K. and Risheng Wang, 1992: A modified version of the Grassberger-Procaccia Algorithm via re-embedding. In Nonlinear Dynamics: Attractor Approximation and Global Behaviour, ISAM'92 (International Seminar on applied Mathematics), 53-81, N. Koksch, V. Reitmann and T. Riedrich (edts.), Technische Universitaet Dresden 1992, pp206.

  10. Pawson, Steven, K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat, Wang, Risheng, and K. Fraedrich, 1992: Intraseasonal tropical--extra-tropical interactions observed in the stratosphere. in Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere, Eds. E. V. Thrane, T. A. Blix and D. C. Fritts. NATO ASI Series, Vol. 387, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p35-47.

  11. Wang, Risheng, 1991: Propagating waves in the EOF-decomposition of space-time-delay diagrams. Ann. Geophysicae, 9 (Supplement: Abstracts of the EGS XVI General Assembly, Wiesbaden, April 10-15 1991), C588-C599.

  12. Wang, Risheng, Shaowu Wang and K. Fraedrich, 1991: An approach to reconstruction of temperature on a seasonal basis using historical documents from China, International Journal of Climatology, 11(4), 381-392.

  13. Wang, Shaowu and Risheng Wang, 1991: Little Ice Age in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 36(3), 217-220.

  14. Wang, Shaowu and Risheng Wang, 1990: Seasonal and annual temperature variations since 147 AD in East China. Acta Meteologica Sinica, 4(3), 428-439.

  15. Wang, Risheng and Shaowu Wang, 1989: Reconstruction of winter temperature in China for the last 500 years, Acta Meteologica Sinica, 3, 279-289.

  16. Guo, Q.-Y. and Risheng Wang, 1988: The variation of monsoon and planetary circulation and its relation to sea surface temperature, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 7 (Supp. 1), 84- 95.

  17. Wang, Shaowu. and Risheng Wang, 1988: Reconstruction of summer temperature in China for the last 500 years, in Interdisciplinary Researches of the Problems in Climatology in relation to the factors of Astronomy, Geoscience and Biology, Collected Paper to the Honour of Prof. Chengsheng Yao for his 50-year Teaching, Zhou (edt.), 104-112, Nanjing Univ. Press (in Chinese).