Risheng Wang, Ph. D.
Climate research

[List of publications]


Research Projects

Time periods

1999 - 2001

(short visit to Japan)

  • Climate Prediction
    • ENSO variability and prediction (in collaboration with Prof. B. Wang)
  • Apply the Ozaki's scheme to numerical prediction model (In collaboration with Prof. N. Ozaki and Dr. Zheng Xiaogu)
  • Conceptual climate model

1996 - 1998: RPN, Environment Canada.

Fellowship / Environment Canada (Visiting fellow)

September 1994 - December 1995: University of Hamburg, Germany

Research associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)

1989 - 1993: Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany

PhD. candidate (DAAD scholarship)

1986 - 1989: Peking University, China (Department of Geophysics), Ph. D. Climate variability in historical times. (with Prof. Shaowu Wang, Peking).
1985 - 1986: Beijing Normal University, China. (Department of Geography); Teaching & research Variability of monsoon, its relation to mid-latitude circulation and the SST, in collaboration with the National Monsoon Research Group (with Prof. Qiyun Guo, Peking).
1983 - 1985: Beijing Normal University, China (Department of Geography), M. Sci. Analysis of the variability of East Asia summer monsoon (with Profs. Shangwen Shi and Qiyun Guo).