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琵琶 (Chinese pipa)


琵琶奏者 劉芳 (Liu Fang)
中国のピーバは日本の琵琶の親戚にあたる。 但し、フレットが半音階に並んでいるので、音楽表現の幅はとても広く、独奏でも合奏でも華々しく活躍している。


彝(イ)族舞曲, 大浪淘沙, 塞上曲
十面埋伏, 飛花点翠, 月児高,
春江花月の夜 (春江花月夜) ...

[1] Qin-Pipa
[2] Tang-Pipa (with straight neckt)
[3] Tang-Pipa (With bent neck)
[4] modern pipa

- The above is an illustration of the time evolution from qin-pipa to the modern pipa through the influence of hu-pipa (click here for explanation)

(For more detailed information, click here)

Chinese traditional pipa music
(classical tradition)

Wenqu - civil (lyrical) style
Wuqu - martial style

1.The King Chu doffs his armour (youtube here), martial style.

2. Wild geese descending on the sandy beach (lyrical style)

3. Songs from the Other Side of the Border (lyric style)

4.Autumn moon in the Palace of Han (lyrical style)

5.Falling snow decorate the evergreen (lyrical style)

6.The ambush from ten sides (martial style)

Contemporary music

Liu Tianhua (1895ュ1932): On the theme of an air to dance
Wang Huiran (1936- ): Dance of Yi People
Wu Junsheng ( ): The night of the Bonfire Fest
Zeng Qingrong( ): Red river
Wang Fandi (1933-): Spring on the Tianshan Mountain

pipa et guitare


Some further topics:

[中国古箏 (Gu-Zheng)]   [試聴サイト]   [video clips]   [琵琶コンサート]

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada